Photo Guide

We can work with the photos that you have, but good photos definitely lead to great portraits, as our artists can capture more detail and character of your pet. 

You can upload pictures that you have on your mobile or PC, including from your Google Drive, Instagram and Face Book. 

Here are some tips that would help you take a picture or choose one from what you have. Best way is to take a picture in ample daylight, close up and at eye level with your pet. 


Photo Guide


Here are some good examples...


Photo Guide - Good examples of how to take pet photos


And the not so great...

Make sure that we can see well your pet in high definition from upper body above.  


Photo Guide - Bad examples

If you are not sure, you can send us a few, and we will help you pick the best one. 

For portrait of two pets or more, you can also send us individual photos, which we can combine into one portrait. 

We totally understand that sometimes it is difficult to have a good photo - it might be a surprise gift for a friend or the pet has passed away.

We are here to help, so do get in touch with us to find the best picture! 
Get in touch with us from our Contact Us Page or email us at